How can a marine biologist create affordable, non-polluting energy through a installation?
One of the boys created a presentation in Scratch that shows how a marine biologist could create an installation which helps in the generation of
One of the boys created a presentation in Scratch that shows how a marine biologist could create an installation which helps in the generation of
A video aimed to teach people about the importance of the UN SDG Life Below Water. The video will have three main parts. Talking about
They created a video game about a marine biologist explaining the food cycle of marine life. Once explained (in a simple way) what some of
After brainstorming ideas, they decided to create a video game with Scratch in which a diver has to collect the rubbish that falls in order
Programming a motor vehicle to go down to the seabed to record marine life. Since it won’t be possible to program a submersible vehicle, let
Program a motor vehicle so that every time something is detected it takes an image. In our case, they will program the cutebot (although it
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