How can a game designer educate about sustainable industries with a game?
The game will also have an aspect of not only building the sustainable cities but looking at drawings and approving blueprints by seeing a tab
The game will also have an aspect of not only building the sustainable cities but looking at drawings and approving blueprints by seeing a tab
The game is as mentioned targeting a younger group with the purpose of teaching them how to sort at a young age and by that
The game is a fighting game were you challenge monsters who represent different climate crisis. They drew an example of a monster that represents pollution
After brainstorming, they came up with different solutions, one of which was that women should not be shown in TV commercials to sell cleaning products,
One of the students came up with the idea of creating a game similar to zootycon and rollercoaster tycoon where the player has to build
They decided to create a typical game where you have to move water of different colours from one container to another in order to get
The students decided to create a video game where a person has to collect the food they find along the way and avoid the harmful
Use the scratch program to create an animation that provides information on how to obtain clean water and sanitation.
Create a video game/animation where the character performs some kind of dance and explains ways to improve climate change.
Creation of a video game that helps to understand the importance of underwater life.
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