How can a food technician encourage sustainable food through art?
The groups flyer was as mentioned representing a person eating worms with the aim to promote better consumption. They also used the micro:bit and programmed
The groups flyer was as mentioned representing a person eating worms with the aim to promote better consumption. They also used the micro:bit and programmed
The sculpture that answered their question was a person wearing clothes made of reused materials.
The product designer will create clothes with recycled materials. They created a poster showing their idea. They will then have a fashion show where the
A video that shows the process of recycling and the consequences of not recycling. The video will mention the consequences such as the effect non
The idea is to create a photo gallery showing the two sides of good and bad consumption and production. The first part of the gallery
By creating sculptures of recycled materials the goal of Responsible Consumption and Production will be acknowledged. They started by searching for sculptures already created and
Create a presentation with information about textile production and campaign for people to start wearing more sustainable clothing.
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