How can a graphic designer reduce inequalities through theater?
One of the students created an animation to simulate a theater where they visualized a situation of gender violence and how to address this situation.
One of the students created an animation to simulate a theater where they visualized a situation of gender violence and how to address this situation.
With the aim of helping reduce hunger, here, the student created a design of a community kitchen with a layout programme. The next step could
Each student did a research on the climate situation in different world’s countries and the problems that differences may cause. They also identified the most
The students decided to create a video game where a person has to collect the food they find along the way and avoid the harmful
How can game designers reduce inequalities in quality education through sound art? Here is the question that emerged from the piloting The pupils who took
The cards that we picked were Electrical Engineer, Quality Education, Handicrafts and Grow. From this we came up with the question: What Handicraft can Electrical
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