How can a food technician encourage sustainable food through art?
The groups flyer was as mentioned representing a person eating worms with the aim to promote better consumption. They also used the micro:bit and programmed
The groups flyer was as mentioned representing a person eating worms with the aim to promote better consumption. They also used the micro:bit and programmed
The game is a fighting game were you challenge monsters who represent different climate crisis. They drew an example of a monster that represents pollution
Students at the Ciuffelli Institute in Todi have come up with this idea: a sound designer can create an application that collects podcasts with recordings
The students of the Liceo Amedeo D’Aosta in L’Aquila came up with this idea: a software engineer with the help of a mechanical engineer creates
The students of the linguistic high school in Nocera Umbra came up with this idea: a food scientist can create a video illustrating the properties
Students at the Foiso Fois high school in Cagliari have come up with this idea: a graphic designer can create an interactive game in which
Students at the Liceo Spagna in Spoleto came up with this idea: an archaeologist can create a gallery of elaborate photographs reconstructing the customs and
The students of the Orfini high school in Foligno came up with this idea: a fashion technology product designer can create gender equality by creating
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